Language Card : english
Creation Date : 9 March 2022
Pokemon Passport
Name : Obama Prism
Serie : Sun & Moon - Pokémon Stage 1
Type : Psychic
Attack 1 : Obama Care
Flip a coin. If heads, heal 50 HP and flip again, if tails, heal 50 HP from any of your Pokemon
Attack 2 : Obama Prism Power
deal 30 damage plus 100 if the opposing Pokemon is a GX, EX, Ultra beast, physic, lightning, fire or colorless
Comments : ObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObama
Illustrator : Nolan Beard
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