Language Card : english
Creation Date : 20 January 2017
Pokemon Passport
Name : troll face
Serie : Diamond & Pearl - Pokémon LV.X
Type : Colorless
Attack 1 : u mad bruh
well lets just say.... take half of your opponents deck and shuffle it into yours, never give it back, take half of the remaining cards and burn them
Attack 2 : u really mad bruh
this attack does 100 more damage for each letter on every card that is in your deck ( you should look in your deck and count, shuffle your deck afterwards)
Comments : uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu mmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddd bbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh
Illustrator : Aadamthebrave
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