Design and print your own Pokemon Trading Card Game online
Privacy policy


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This website uses cookies.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file placed, subject of your choice on your computer when visiting a website or viewing an advertisement. It aims to collect information about your browsing and contact services adapted to your terminal (computer, mobile or tablet).

Cookies are managed by your web browser and only the sender of a cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.

What are cookies used for?

Internal cookies

Preference cookie enable the website to remember information related to the card creation processs during navigation between pages (user language, card settings). Preference cookie is necessary for the normal working of the website.

Third party cookies

Cookies are also used by our partners : social media (facebook), advertising (Google AdSense) and analysis (google analytics).

The cookies of our social media partner are used to allow the use of Facebook recommendation button "Like" and to post comments on the cards.

The cookies of our Google AdSense partner are used to allow to display ads that are relevant and interesting to the individual user and therefore more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers.

The cookies on our partner google analytics allow for the collection and information anonymously communication, to understand how visitors interact with the website.

Accept or decline cookies

You can always choose to disable these cookies. Your browser can also be set to alert you to cookies that are deposited in your computer and ask you to accept them or not.
You can accept or decline cookies on an individual basis or reject them systematically.

For more informations: pokemaster at

Right to be forgotten

You have published a card by mistake or you want to delete it? You can delete any recent card yourself without delay by clicking on the flag icon:

  • directly from the card page (flag icon + abuse report link)
  • from the gallery (at the bottom of each card)

If you have difficulty to remove a card or want to speed up the deletion (in the case of an old card), please send an email to pokemaster at specifying the url to delete.