Personnaliser et imprimer en ligne sa propre carte Pokémon
What is this ?

What does it do ?

Not much ! Just for fun.

How does it work ?

Cards generation is based on Ajax. This combination of technologies (HTML, CSS, DOM, Javascript) allows to send requests to server without having to reload the current page. In practical, there isn’t submission button on the form : when you edit an option, the image of your pokemon’s card is automatically regenerated and the display card is updated. To work, JavaScript must be activated in your browser.

Here, Ajax implementation is based on the excellent development environment jquery. When a card option is updated, a php code is called, and the use of GD Graphics Library allows dynamic generation of your pokemon’s card.

The spip publishing system is used to manage and display articles without having to write html. It also allows (with insertion of few spip balises) to generate the navigation links and to facilitate the multilingual managing.

Banner link

Banner 468 x 60 pixels
Button 88 x 31 pixels